The average house price on CALVER WALK is £240,795
The most expensive house in the street is 13 CALVER WALK with an estimated value of £274,759
The cheapest house in the street is 5 CALVER WALK with an estimated value of £216,288
The house which was most recently sold was 1 CALVER WALK, this sold on 21 Nov 2017 for £175,000
The postcode for CALVER WALK is SK8 6BW
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 CALVER WALK Terraced £222,250 £175,000 21 Nov 2017
5 CALVER WALK Terraced £216,288 £123,000 26 May 2006
6 CALVER WALK Terraced £238,196 £162,000 1 May 2015
8 CALVER WALK Terraced £243,107 £157,000 30 Jun 2014
10 CALVER WALK Terraced £250,175 £166,500 1 Dec 2014
13 CALVER WALK Terraced £274,759 £48,750 31 Mar 1995